PT Swakarsa Inti Dataindo

PT Swakarsa Inti Dataindo
Advertised: 07-02-11 | Closing Date: 09-03-11.

PT. Core Dataindo Swakarsa is a leading provider of businessinformation on Indonesia. Founded in 1998, Dataindo has conducted extensive research into the industry in Indonesia, trade statistics, and large companies to compile the most up-to-date andcomprehensive information database business in Indonesia.Dataindo CD-ROM is the publisher of b2b Indonesia. Firstreleased in 2000 and now in the publication of the tenth, more than 100,000 units have been sold, making Indonesia the largest in the CD-ROM business has ever circulated. Dataindo clients includeleading banks in Indonesia, accounting firms, governmentdepartments, as well as large companies in every industry sector.
Web Developer
(Jakarta Raya)

Developing and maintaining corporate website
Developing and maintaining an intranet web application
PC & network to solve the problem if necessary

Candidate must possess at least Diploma, Bachelor's Degree,Engineering (Computer / Telecommunication), Computer Science/ Information Technology, Physics or equivalent.
skills required (s): MySQL, JavaScript, PHP.
Required language (s): English, Indonesian
1 year experience in same field preferable
Full-Time and Contract position available.
Please click the Apply button below to send your CV.
Note: Please include a recent photograph, certificate, currentsalary (if available) and desired salary in your CV.

OR Send your CV to email address:


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